Respected California scientists, doctors, educators, and academics at the forefront of pandemic preparedness are teaming up with philanthropists and California voters to prevent the next pandemic and save lives.
Covid-19 impacted every single Californian, but lower-income and underserved communities were hurt the most. The California Pandemic Detection and Prevention Act asks just the ultra-wealthy to temporarily pay a bit more - only on their income in excess of $5 million - to fund the science of pandemic detection. By catching new disease outbreaks early, Californians can rapidly contain outbreaks before they cause grave suffering and costly lockdowns.
Additionally, the Pandemic Detection and Prevention Act will support local public health efforts that were stretched thin fighting Covid, and improve school infrastructure in order to keep students safe.
California already leads the world in science and technology, and investments in public interest scientific research to detect and prevent the next pandemic will create thousands of high-paying California jobs and could save millions of human lives and trillions of dollars.
Learn how the California Pandemic Early Detection and Prevention Act will help prevent the next pandemic by focusing on three primary areas.
Learn MoreFuture pandemics are inevitable and we need to make sure California is prepared. The California Pandemic Early Detection and Prevention Act will make critically-needed investments in the tools we need to detect and stop the next threat – through early disease detection and prevention, by modernizing our state and local public health departments to allow for faster containment, and with infrastructure upgrades to make our public schools safer and healthier for all California students.